We’re Amy and Jeff

Husband & Wife | Dad & Mom | Doctor & Child Specialist

We’re 2 experienced healthcare professionals that have been helping parents for +20 combined years raise healthy kids.

A How-To Program for Healthy Kids

Our Raising Super Kids program gives parents the tools needed to raise healthy kids & empowers them to take action.

The sad reality is that kids have never been unhealthier. Its up to parents to step up & change this!

Are You Worried Your Kids Are…

❌ Overweight

❌ Eating Unhealthy

❌ Not Active Enough

❌ On a Screen Too Much

❌ Having Emotional Outbursts

❌ Struggling to Focus in School

❌ Struggling With Their Mental Health

❌ Struggling to Get The Sleep They Need

❌ Aren’t As Big & Strong As They Should Be

❌ Suffering From Low Confidence & Self Esteem

❌ On a Path to Being One of The +40% of Kids With a Chronic Disease…

You’re not alone. Many parents have the same concerns.

But understand it is NOT normal for kids to struggle like this. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Hear From Our Amazing Clients

  • I'm always looking for ways to improve health. This course exceeded expectations. It covered so many things I never thought of like how kids breath!! My 2 kids are eating better, sleeping better and doing better in school after working with Amy +Jeff.

    Jesse K

  • I signed up for this because my daughter was getting overweight. It was affecting her confidence. She is a different kid now. I dont thi nk we realized just how unhealthy she was. Now she is so much healthier and happier. I cant thank you enough

    Blaine V

  • Amy, working with you was easy and very beneficial. We especailly appreciated the direct access chat, which made it so easy whenever we had questions. Thank you again for all you've done for us.

    Caleb S

We’ve Been There Too.

In our personal lives, we’re raising two amazing kids. We’ve expereinced how unhealthy the world can be for them, and are learning how to raise them healthy.

In our professional careers, we’ve helped 100s of parents reject the norm for their family and raise thriving kids.

Our goal for Raising Healthy Families is to be a valuable resource to parents. Learn from our mistakes & benefit from our years of experience as you navigate your journey to raise Super Kids💪

Hear From Our Amazing Clients

  • Holy moly this course is a must for all parents. I wanted my kids ot eat healthier but now we pay attention to things like mindset and stress. I am so very confident that my kids are much healthier after working with Amy and Jeff. You guys rock!!

    Christine P.

  • 10/10. This program covers all the bases. Our whole family eats better, is more active annd best of all we spend way more quality time together.

    Kevin M

  • Working with Jeff and Amy was an amazing experience. They care so much about the health of kids. I have 4 kids and I learned things from this program to help me with each one of them. I recommend this program to all of my friends.

    Jenny W

Our Program Is Perfect For You If…

✅ Your kids spend way too much time on a screen

✅ You have a Picky Eater or want your kids to eat healthier💪

✅ Your child is overweight or obese and you dont know how to help them

✅ You see how unhealthy the average family is and want better for your kids

✅ Your kid seems to always seem to get sick and takes a forever to feel better

✅ Your kid is not getting enough exercise or doesn’t seem to enjoy being active

✅ Your kid(s) struggle to fall asleep, stay asleep or bedtime is a struggle for everyone

Our Program Is NOT For You If…

❌ You’re looking for a quick fix

❌ You’re ok with the unhealthy path most kids are on

❌ You’re not ready to invest time & energy. Meaningful change requires meaningful effort

❌ You’re looking for a medical diagnosis/medical advice. We can not make any diagnosis.

Hear From Our Amazing Clients

  • This wasn't a cookie cutter program. Amy and Jeff took the time to learn about what my family was struggling with and what our goals were. They helped us create a plan and stick to it.

    Monica P

  • The course was great. So much actionable advice for parents. We were still struggling with our oldest so we signed up for their 1on1 coaching, and it was such a great service. They really know their stuff.

    Foster N.

  • 100% recommend this to all my friends with kids. This is the closest thing to a How-To manual for how to raise a healthy family💪

    Lynda M

Here’s What’s Included In Our Super Kids Course👇

4 month of direct access to us. We are with you every step of the way as we work on your family health goals (like Picky Eating, Screen Time, Childhood Obesity, and Better Sleep)

Access to our full course: A self-paced course with video tutorials, info guides, actionable checklists & product recommendations on the main areas of kid’s health including:

  • Sleep

  • Nutrition

  • Screen time

  • Immune system

  • Getting more physical activity

As well as other important aspect of kids health many parents overlook including:

  • Mental Health

  • Brain development

  • Breathing & chewing

  • Footwear & foot health

  • Reducing exposure to harmful toxins

  • And more

A kid’s health questionnaire to fill out. This allows us to personalize our program just for you.

We help get your kids Super Healthy: As we work through your family health concerns, we also bring awareness (and solutions) to many important aspects of kids health (like Brain Development, Breathing & Foot Health) Any areas you want to improve on, we help you make this happen!

Content Updates. We are constantly updating our courses and guides. You will have access to any updated material for a period of 12 months after date of purchase.


My personal & professional experience has taught me that the difference between healthy kids & unhealthy kids is almost always up to the parents.

Raising a healthy family is a choice. Once you make this choice, I’m here to help you make it a reality.

-B.Ed and Certified Child Life Specialist (CCLS)

-12 years in clinical practice working with kids & parents

-Married 11 years (together 19 yrs) & super mom to 2 amazing kids 💪


I’m passionate about helping parents learn how to live healthy, so they can teach their kids how to be healthy.

Every parent wants their kids to be healthy. I’m here to help you be the parent that takes action to get their kids healthy.

- Masters in Exercise & Nutrition Sciences

- Doctor of Chiropractic (14 yrs in practice) specializing in nutrition, exercise & stress


  • We believe you can do anything you truly want with the proper mindset.

    We get it, parent life can be really busy, and every family is different. But everyone has 24hrs in a day and can make time for anything they choose to make time for.

    This program will progress at a pace that you are comfortable with. Want to make some big changes ASAP? We can help make this happen! Prefer to go the slow & steady route? We will bethere every step of the way.

    You can do this!

  • You have full access to us and our coaching for 4 months (with the option to go longer).

    You have full access to the course and all materials for 12 months.

  • Yes. We offer a Fitness-Plus parent coaching program.

    We recognize that family health starts with parent health.

    This 4-month coaching program helps parents take control of their fitness, nutrition, self care and family time.

    If you are interested, fill out the for below, or send us a DM on Twitter.

Ready to take action and help get your kids as healthy & happy as possible? 

👇Fill Out This Form & Schedule Your Free Call To Learn More👇

We will respond within 72 hours. Please reach out if you have not received an email from us.

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-We talk about everything parents needs to raise a healthy, thriving family-

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